Stop Judes Journey Room Scam Now !

We Have Been Fighting since 2020 to prevent more people from falling for This scam.




123 Fake Street, Scamville, SC 12345

Jude's Journey Room

This scam has effected a ton of people since 2020. this scam is perpetuated by one person to gain money off the death of a child. Its not fair to take advantage of kind hearted people. we don't like it and we are trying to stop this lie.

person holding yellow sponge on white surface
person holding yellow sponge on white surface
woman in white long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans standing beside white wooden framed glass
woman in white long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans standing beside white wooden framed glass

Stopping the spread of this Scam

Join us in our mission to protect others from falling victim to the Judes Journey Room scam. It is not a sanctioned charity. it is used by a scammer to bilk people out of money.

Prevent Others from falling for this

you can help us in our efforts to stop the Judes Journey Room scam from harming more people. Speak out and let people know.

Spread Awareness Now

Together, we can make a difference and prevent others from being deceived by this fraudulent scheme. If you know someone who wants to donate to this fraudulent charity please try and stop them.

Your Time has come. Confess

We took this domain to stop the potential for even more scamming. We feel people must know and we took action to try and get the message out.